FanimeCon Acoustikaraoke! Contest Application form

Date: Saturday, May 27th, 2023
Time: 2pm
Location: SJCC Room 212


Do I have to use my own instruments & gear?
You can use anything you're capable of bringing to the contest. Sometimes contestants have been able to borrow a guitar, an amp, etc from other generous musicians in the room.
Can I perform my original music?
Yes! We are a daytime event, so please avoid or self-censor explicit lyrics.
Does our song need to be related to anime or fandom?
No. We have that limitation for our Karaoke Contest, but not in this contest. For example, you can perform a cover of an American pop song.
Can I bring a backing track?
It depends, so contact us. Remember that this contest rewards live musical performance. Any backing track should not distract from what you're doing live on stage.
Can I sing a capella?
No, not for this contest.
Can I enter other vocal performances?
It depends, so contact us. Allowed examples include: beatboxing, four-part harmony, a barbershop quartet.
Can I promote my YouTube channel, Soundcloud, etc while on stage?
Yes! We actually encourage this. If you sell music or post your music on social media, please promote yourself during this contest. We want musicians in this community to thrive.

If you have any questions email us at or visit the Karaoke Room during Fanime.

All fields with a * are required.

About You
  1. This is how we will refer to you on stage.
    If you are an individual entrant, this is can be your first name, or your professional name, or an online name.
    If you are a group entry, this can be the first names of your group members, or a specific name for your full group.

  2. This is where we will email confirmations

About Your Performance
  1. For example: flute, electric guitar with amp, spoons

  2. For example: mic for acoustic guitar, power outlets, extra chairs. You can write "none" if nothing is needed.

Closing Thoughts

If you have any questions, please email

Thank you very much for your interest in FanimeCon 2023 and we hope to see you soon!