FanimeCon Cosplay Gatherings Application form

Welcome to the FanimeCon 2025 Cosplay Gatherings Application Form!

This form is for all gatherings.

Please submit a separate form for each gathering that you wish to give.

All fields with a * are required.

Contact Information
  1. Please list contact information for any co-hosts (if applicable):

Gathering Information
  1. Have you led this gathering before? When was it? How did it go? How many attended? Did you use all of the time given or do you tend to run over the time given? Any extra information you want to provide?

  2. Use this space to make a quick advertisement post and invite people to your gathering.
    Posts you create here are intended to be added to final gatherings web schedule. This feature is in testing, and final posting will require approval. Please ensure your post is family friendly and aligns with FanimeCon style as much as possible to expedite approvals. Final content may be edited for spelling, length, flow, removal of hyperlinks, and any other edits Webteam needs to make to make it fit or make it appropriate. Excessively incomprehensible posts or posts featuring mature content will be left blank. Filling out this field is not a guarantee that this post will ever see the light of day. You have been warned. Have fun.

When and Where?
  1. Please choose a preferred starting time for your gathering from the available time blocks.

  2. Please briefly list any other FanimeCon responsibilities and blackout (absolutely do not schedule) times where you or your co-hosts will be unavailable. This may include:
    • Not arriving to the con until Saturday at noon.
    • Staffing another part of the convention with a specific set schedule.
    • Staffing another part of the convention and you need help coordinating with your department head.
    • Applying to run a panel.
    • Putting in multiple gatherings
    • Any other known time conflicts

  3. (click for big)

Social Media!
  1. Your display name on the Fanime Forums.
    If you have not checked for duplicate Gatherings threads or created a post about your intent to host, please do so now.

  2. The link to the corresponding thread on the Fanime Forums.

  3. The link to the Facebook thread or page for gathering members.

Privacy Information
Closing thoughts
  1. While FanimeCon will try to accommodate all gathering requests, this form does not guarantee availability or starting times.

    This form will send the information to our gathering coordinators.

    They will contact you to confirm your gathering application.

    By continuing through this form, you agree to the following policies:

    1. Each gathering requires a Gathering thread in the forums. This is to help prevent duplicate application submissions and encourage collaboration between hosts. If you do not have a thread and need to make one, view the pins on this page as to how to make a proper Gathering thread.

    2. If you are registering as a new Forums user, please read all instructions carefully to avoid registration delays.

    3. In order to maintain priority in leading a gathering, you MUST post in the forum thread of your gathering every 2 weeks or risk losing control of said gathering.

    4. Fighting with other members over control of a gathering will result in loss of said gathering all together.

    Any questions regarding said policies can be directed to

    Thank you very much for your interest in FanimeCon 2025 and we hope to see you soon!