Apply for FanimeCon Staff

FanimeCon is always looking for talented and energetic people to join our staff! You'll see first hand the challenges and joys of putting on FanimeCon, and receive some of the best insight into its inner workings. Please join us and be an integral part in putting together Northern California's largest anime convention!

Today's Special Listing:
Japanese Interpreter (1-2 position)

The Guest Relations division is recruiting 1-2 professional and sociable staffers to work in the role of a Japanese interpreter - directly interpreting for a Japanese guest of honor (GoH) and guiding them around FanimeCon.

+ Serve as a Ja...
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FanimeCon Departments

You are limited to two departments per application, but you can create as many applications as you want.

Some of the departments have extra information available. You can move your mouse over the department name to see the extra details.

No previous convention experience necessary!

Some groups are looking for people with some experience in similar roles.

If you're just excited to help out, choose this, and we'll try to match you up with someone directly!



Foundation for Anime and Niche Subcultures

The Oasis


Guest Relations

Fan Services


This list of departments is shuffled to ensure that all departments who need staff are equally represented.
The ordering changes every day.



The Oasis


Fan Services

Foundation for Anime and Niche Subcultures

Guest Relations


This list of departments is shuffled to ensure that all departments who need staff are equally represented.
The ordering changes every day.

Contact Information

Pro-tip: Be specific!

If you are applying to a specific department or two, tailor your answers to that department.

You want to leave a positive first impression, so write as much as you can. You want to convince them that they should reply, and get you onto staff.

Background Information
Privacy Information
Are you a robot
Closing thoughts

Most staff members are required to put in roughly 20+ hours during the convention, plus extra time before the convention (as preparation).

FanimeCon Staff members are not paid. The spiffy "Staff" badge, the staff room rate, and the satisfaction of a job well done are the main rewards for all staffers.

If you aren't sure if you can make a full commitment to a staff position, consider being a volunteer for FanimeCon.

All staff members must be at least 16 years old at the start of the Convention. Some departments require their staffers to be 18+ or 21+. Other departments may have separate requirements, depending on what they do.

Thank you very much for your interest in FanimeCon 2025 and we hope to see you soon!