Manga Lounge Staff

The Manga Lounge is a modest sized pop-up library at FanimeCon, featuring over 3,000 titles and a lounge for attendees to read manga of all types.

Looking For Staff Interested in:
*Providing great a customer service experience
*Learning a simple library check out program
*That delightful paperback book smell :)

Love of Manga is a huge plus, but a positive attitude is a requirement.

Time Commitment:
*FanimeCon policy for staff requires a commitment of at least 24 hours over the course of Wednesday (Day -1) through Monday (Day 4). There are LOTS of opportunities for hours, and are more than willing to adjust shifts so that everyone gets the most out of the Con.
*Pre-con hours do not count toward this total, and include attending staff meetings in Feb/April/May (or reading the meeting summaries if you miss them) and a short virtual training with the lounge department head in May.

Click Here To Apply Now!

Part of the Manga Lounge department

Entry last modified Sun Jun 9 2024, 17:29:26